         Barny Kotorák Terina

Kotora's head This is the real king of our family, proud guard of my Dad. Cuban endemic parrot. Latin name - Amazona Leucocephala Leucocephala. Young male, without a life partner very aggressive. Hates unknown people and attacks them. The real fighter.

Koty is something like a guard of the house. To avoid heavy injuries, he has to be kept in his cage when somebody enters our house. Some special guests living with us for a short time are instructed to wear a hat when they enter the room with Koty. The head is the first what he attacks. Sometimes he has heavy fights with shoes.

On the pictures below you see our Koty leaving his cage and flying in the corridor.
Cotorra-cage Cotorra - flying

The last pet I will introduce here is our dog - Terry.
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