My dear Chinpintrins,
welcome to my personal Web Page. There can be several reasons why you stopped here.
You're one of my few friends who know this address and you're so kind to visit me virtually over the web.
You're a person looking for a new information and you've come with a hope to find something interesting here - well, browse it and see.
You're just someone who came here incidentally - in this case you are also welcome.
You don't match any of the above categories? Hmm, very interesting, who the hell are you? Don't be lazy and write me about your trip here :-).

You may ask me why I do all this theatre. Well, as a new millennium has come, the age of pure cyberspace is approaching and this is the right way to permit my friends and other (so far unknown) people to see me, visit me, talk to me etc. Is it so rare? I'm sure that 99 percent of you will find it boring, ordinary, non-original - but there is still the one percent! So feel free to read about me.

For Spanish-speaking Chinpintrins: the Spanish version is coming soon - well not that soon, it is quite time-consuming to maintain various language versions :-(.